On Tuesday, February 12th we will throw a wayzgoose to celebrate the founding of the newest-oldest maker space on the Northeastern University campus. If you don’t know what a wayzgoose is, you can look it up—or you can come ask us during the event!
When: February 12, 2019 from 11am-1:30pm
Where: Huskiana Press, Holmes Hall 489
Who: students, faculty, staff, and community members at Northeastern University
Lunch will be provided, so come grab something to eat, print a souvenir to take home with you, and explore the letterpress!
This latent mine—these unlaunch’d voices—passionate powers,
Wrath, argument, or praise, or comic leer, or prayer devout,
(Not nonpareil, brevier, bourgeois, long primer merely,)
These ocean waves arousable to fury and to death,
Or sooth’d to ease and sheeny sun and sleep,
Within the pallid slivers slumbering.